Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Basement Club Spaces:
The club provides many kind of spaces:

An equipped office
A saloon with LCD projector
A working space with big table
A bigger space for workshops
A strorage area
A Cine Club room with an HD TV screen

The Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD) has founded an Art and Culture Committee. The committee aims at setting up events that have the objective of exposing students to remarkable art and design works, and planning for extracurricular activities that entertain and educate at the same time. One of these activities is the Cine/Documentary Series.
The Cine/Documentary Series involves a weekly projection of either design/art documentaries (or any other related material) or qualitative movies that are considered for their creative and innovative approaches in presenting issues of cultural value.
Projection will be on daily basis, looping five different movie every week.

PEEK n' PEEP 01 

PEEK n' PEEP is a series of presentations where FAD instructors and students show their private art work.
It is taking place in the Basement Club on Friday 23 and 30 of May at 10 am.
You're welcome to attend or to participate in the next up coming PEEK n' PEEP.
All the presentations will be filmed then uploaded to the blog and facebook page.
PnP 01 Participants:

1st Friday:  Mr. Muhammad Nasri
                   Mr. Ghassan Saba
                   Omar Bakkour
                   Rashid Naboulsi


2nd Friday:  Mr. Ghatfan Safi
                    Sally Bayyad
                    Mostapha Nashar
                    Khaled Hamawi
                    Ali Rifai

Thanks for who helped to make PnP 01 happened:
Omar Bakkour (assistant)
Rouba Abdalla (Graphics and audio visual)
Sally Bayyad and Mostafa Nachar (photography)
and for all the participants and for who gave us a hand.

YouTube links:

The opening
Mr. M. Nasri presentation
Mr. Ghassan Saba presentation
Omar Bakkour presentation
Ali Rifai presentation
Rabih Hamad presentation
Mr. Ghatfan Safi
Khaled Hamwi presentation
Mostafa Nachar presentation

Photos from PEEK n' PEEP 01

Mr. Mohamad Nasri, Dean of FAD-MUT


Omar Bakkour, student, major Architecture.


Rashid Naboulsi, student, major Architecture.

Mr. Ghassan Saba, instructor at FAD.



Monday, May 19, 2014


With the cooperation of MACAM (Modern and Contemporary Art Museum),
The Faculty of Architecture and Design in Manar university organized a three-day camp in Alita (Byblos). FAD students were engaged in artistic, social and cultural activities.
Macam news.